The dressing room was unsatisfying for numerous reasons, the lack of privacy being chief among them. The Cubs who noticed me under there were alarmed and not receptive to sharing the space. At one point, I was repeatedly kicked in the neck by a young restless Cub. Another spilled coleslaw on my hair which I had to rinse off with a half-drunk water glass from the table. Though it was never explicitly stated, I’d been under the impression that the Cubs would not be dining on the tabletop above my dressing room.
On the good side, it was a banquet table with seating for eight to ten, so the under-table dressing room was spacious, and it was centrally located, within easy walking distance to the stage. The show went okay but I was never able to get the New England clam chowder smell outta my pants. If it weren’t for the free unlimited Cheddar Bay Biscuits, I’d never have booked another Cub Scout Banquet at Red Lobster.